Monday, June 30, 2008

new summer running shoes

Ode to David's running shoes:
You've been down the road and back again so many times. You're well worn and swift. Thank you for carrying my husband safely and supporting him so well. Brooks "8," welcome to our home. You'll like it here. And to versions "7," "6," "5" and "no-name 4," well, it's time for you to go.


  1. What a fun idea for a photo! I really like the perspective and focus on the first shot!

  2. LOL, love it! Great way to preserve their memories but not their stank. :)

  3. Great idea, and I love how he's loyal to one type. :-)

  4. Love that first shot!! That is a serious set of shoes.

  5. How fun! What a great idea for a photo, I'd have never thought of that! I love the DOF in the first shot.:)

  6. What a fun, fun picture. I wear Brooks running shoes, too! And it's time for some new ones!

  7. Oh great shots. This is my husband exactly!

  8. I love this shot. As a runner its just really inspiring and Brooks are an AWESOME running shoe.

  9. cute idea! i love the second shot on all the brick. very nice color.

  10. Really neat shots! Perfect documentation of one facet of your dh.

  11. Hmm. I've got a Brooks "8", too. In fact I'm wearing them today. Brooks 7,6,5... were all good shoes, too. I'm running in Brooks 9 now. They have about 200 miles left in them.
