Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ballet hangover & a sad story

I think I'm almost over it--our ballet hangover, that is. It's what happens to our family twice a year a full week of rehearsals, late nights and ballet buns, tights and leotards. It usually takes us a few days to recover. But, it's worth it.

This year the girls' Nutcracker recital was bumped up a bit, so as to lessen the craziness of the Christmas season. It was so much better in November! And, it sort of launched me into the Christmas spirit. Sort of. As much as one can have the Christmas spirit while living in central Florida.


Now for the sad story. The day after the recital, we actually had a date on the calendar. A real date where you get a babysitter and take a shower and go out with just your spouse. It hasn't happened very often since little Z was born, sadly. So, we were really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, Miss M began to feel ill--on the day of our date!! But, we decided to go for it anyway, leaving our sitter with instructions to call if something bad happened. And, it did. Just as we arrived at our destination, my cell phone rang. Miss M had just thrown up. Lovely. So, there was no date. Now, isn't that a sad story?


  1. Love the ballet photos! And sorry about your date. :(

  2. That IS a sad story! Especially because it was for Harry Potter!!!! What's a little vomit anyways. Next time tell the babysitter to give her saltine crackers and turn your phone on vibrate :) (just kidding.....well, not really. I don't have kids so it's easy for me to say this).
