Sunday, November 2, 2008

pumpkin seeds and homeschool

We carved a pumpkin this year, but I was just too lazy to wash my hands of the slime to document the process. But, it's one fine-looking pumpkin! To make toasted pumpkin seeds, we rinsed them off, then baked in the oven for 30 minutes, stirring once after 15 minutes. The recipe called for 500F, but I think that was too hot. They got a little brown. I'd shoot for 450F next time.

pumpkin seeds

So you want to know about homeschool?? If you want the full story of how we decided to start, you can read it on our ministry blog at

The first week was really hard on everyone. Last week was much better. Today is the start of week 3. What do we do? I've tweaked it each week, but right now, we take 1 1/2 hours a day, broken up into two segments, one hour in the morning for focused work, and half an hour right after lunch when I read aloud to the girls.

It's a steep learning curve, and I'm on the front side for sure. The hardest part so far has been figuring out how to keep the house running and have a few "me" hours in the day. I decided that Monday would be "chore" morning. Each of us has a job to do. Last week the girls washed windows (ok, I never do this, but I thought it would be a "fun" chore for them) while I mopped the kitchen floor (it was disgusting after weeks of neglect.) And, we've also added a Saturday afternoon "family chore" hour when everyone has a job and we all do it at the same time. This week David vacuumed, A dusted, M directed everyone, and I sorted out fall clothes. It's helped me to keep my sanity a bit more this week.

So, that's it. If you want more details, just ask! I'm happy to share more, I just don't don't know what else to say at the moment. I'm just trying to keep my sanity at this point. Happy Monday!


  1. Love the seeds. We didn't get a pumpkin but I wanted the seeds. I couldn't find them at any store. Oh well.

    Good luck with the homeschooling!

  2. Love the shot of the seeds! I went down quite a few posts and checked out all of your photos....loving your work!!!!

  3. I didn't do seeds this year! Great shot though.

  4. Nice shot. Good luck with your home schooling. A huge challenge. ~Jackie

  5. Those look yummy. Never did get a pumpkin this year. Think it's too late to get one to bake the seeds for a snack?

  6. Great macro. I love the seeds almost burnt.

  7. I admire people who home school their kids. I could never do it. I just don't have the focus! I look forward to reading your adventures.

  8. Love pumpkin seeds - great shot of them!!

  9. found you via, love...did i say love? your photography...wish you lived closer. that steamy shot on your banner...wowzer...
    and i hear you on the h/s front. been doing it for 8 years, and still tweaking it sometimes daily. we are in our 9th week this year, and i just now feel like i can go "'sigh', okay, this is working". and the holidays are going to stop it again in 3 weeks...okay..better stop...i could go on and on about this.
    will visit more again.

  10. I love roasted pumpkin seeds, am going to do that tonight in honor of the election...and because I'm sure we'll be up late waiting for the results.

    DH really wants to homeschool our boys. Or...I should say, wants ME to homeschool the boys;)

  11. Mmm... those pumpkin seeds look YUMMY. I didn't get a chance to get mine done this year with all the chaos of our "carving accident", LOL. ANd I commend you for homeschooling, I would LOVE to be able to do that but I'm afraid I am just too disorganized.

  12. Wow! I've been out of touch with you guys for awhile. I didn't know you were homeschooling. We'll be in it together soon. What curriculum are you using? I'll have to read your other blog as well, to get more info. Miss you!
