Monday, May 12, 2008

sleeping girl

I'm a little nostalgic, I think. Or maybe it's denial. But, my baby is going to be four years old in August. I really can't believe it. It makes me a little sad, ok, maybe a lot sad. And I still have three months to ponder this. Maybe it's because one of her little friends is turning four tomorrow. I'm a bit in shock. And, today, as we were walking home from the swimming pool, M asks me out of the blue how many times I can get "praagnant." WHAT? Where would she hear this? And why would she ask me this? I don't think she had a clue what she was asking, but still. I never really answered her question. So, here is A in her crib-converted-toddler-bed. Yes, we really need to buy her a big girl bed. Definitely on or before her 4th birthday.

Oh, and, yes I DID plan for the first photo in the post below to look like it was on her head. Pretty cool, huh?


  1. Very nice conversions. I really like BnW for shots like this, just adds to the timeless quality.

  2. posed or not these shots are beautiful, i also like your conversions. thanks for the reminder both my kids have birthdays in aug. one the beggining and one the end of month.

  3. She so sweet, I love the second one where she's sleeping! My youngest dd has a Shamu like that, we got it at SeaWorld in San Diego. :)

  4. Ooops, after looking again, I think isn't a whale! :)

  5. These are so special. I love looking at my girls sleeping. I always feel so much love for them when they are asleep.

  6. I love that second picture! It is so sweet.


  7. Awww.... she is so precious! She still looks little when she is sleeping at least! I know how you feel- my BABY, my last child, my ONLY GIRL, will turn 4 in September. She starts PRESCHOOL in August! It is going to kill me!

  8. Your thoughts are amazing. Watching them grow up is just painful (and wonderful) all at the same time.

    Your black and whites really work to the overall effect of the photographs here. Lovely.

  9. Kids can ask the most thoughtful questions and throw you for a loop, can't they?! She looks so sweet and I like your conversions.

  10. Awww.. she is growing up. Your pictures are beautiful and I love your black and whites!

  11. those are darling..i love sleeping babies.
